We believe that
technology not only drives civilization,
but brings us a better sustainable future.

ESG Management Framework

In a bid to achieve the vision of sustainability, Fitipower has established a dedicated unit for ESG (Sustainable Development Department), and a systematic sustainability management organization pursuant to its “Sustainable Development Best-Practice Principles” and “Sustainability Committee Charter.” The “Fitipower Sustainability Committee,” a functional committee under the BoD, is chaired by the Chairman and includes the General Manager and four independent directors as members. It holds at least two meetings annually to strategize and plan future sustainable goals and actions, reporting the progress of sustainability initiatives to the BoD, and the annual sustainable disclosure information is also released after the review and approval of the directors. To further effectively implement and communicate matters related to sustainable development, we have established a responsible team (ESG Executive Secretary) and five task forces under the Sustainability Committee, namely “Brand and Innovation,” “Corporate Governance,” “Partner Co-prosperity,” “Labor–Management Common Good and Social Inclusion” and “Environmental Symbiosis.” Through cross-departmental vertical integration and horizontal specialization, each team plays its role, ensuring the Company’s balanced development in environmental, social, and governance dimensions.

A total of two Sustainability Committee meetings were held in 2023. Given that the phased sustainability goals set in 2021 have come to an end and nearly all short-term goals have been achieved. On December 26 of the reporting year, we again passed the resolution of the BoD to set short-, medium-, and long-term goals from 2024 to 2030 (part of the environmental goals will extend until 2050.